Private Events
Luxury weddings, internal events for global corporations, or no-excuses-needed private bashes; we have helped to deliver some of the most exclusive and luxurious parties in the UK.
En-suite and standard rooms to hire, guest services, reception, concierge, chauffeur, bars, restaurants and lounges. We only create bespoke solutions to ensure your Pop-Up Hotel suits your exact event needs.

Brand Activations
We have loved producing some incredible bespoke hotels to support brand activating around the globe. If you need a hotel that brings your brand to life, while providing a practical solution to appearing at events, and locations worldwide reach out to arrange an initial consultation with our production team.

Bespoke Solutions
We work with private and corporate clients to design and develop bespoke productions. Whether you’re hotel needs seasonal capacity through temporary developments, your estate needs a partner to a new boutique camping business, your wedding venue could scale with the additional of our rooms, or… you’re garden has the spot for a new air bnb opportunity.